My Cadet Career
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My cadet career Part 2

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Joined in April 2000, with my friend Hau (jr), allthough we lived next to 103 his brother went to 104. We heard about this cadet thingy, and was quite interested at what they do, and after hearing a presentation about it at school by Sgt Robertson (103). So Hau's brother took us down, and my was it brilliant, the rest is history.

First Parade Night Combat 2000

This picture on the right is my first time down at cadets, combat 2000 we came 3rd. Funny enough i was wearing blue red blue trousers, maybe that tells something in the future?

Top: Left to Right: CSM Pembury, Cpl Satchell, Georferries??, Todd, Hau, Cpl Wilkins, Sgt Weaks

Bottom: Left to Right: Hau(m8), Harper, Colleure ??, Cremore, Taylor, Evans, me


At this parade night, it was a sunday and possibly the best night parade nights, we competed in football, stretcher run, climbing, shooting, tug of war, and had a barbecue.

Recruit Pang 2000

Aged 13

Easter Camp was  my very first camp (napier), even tho i never knew this photo existed it was good to find it. It was nervous, scary but also exciting time. I remember the best exsperiences of my cdt life, well 2 the rest i forgot through time. At this camp the memorable moments would be the pillow fights at night!! shh!!

This is proably got me glued to cadets in the comming 4 years

Cdt Pang 2000/2001

After easter my uniform was sorted out for me, and i had a beret. Went onto Annual camp (Castle martin) and passed my 1* without doing my half. But guess what i passed, after 1 week of training, and 1 week of tests, I was eager to learn and wernt dumb so i got it. The room/ atsmosphere was astounding, the camp was brill and 104 ruled those were the days...

Cpl Pang 2001 May

Aged 14

Well heres what happened, i went on doing my 2* on a weekend up at Blackheath at sector HQ, took the wrong turns on my map and compass and ended up at a noodle bar. Ended up retacking it and passing it, couple weeks later a big man pulled me into his office (CSM Hart) before you laugh, and promoted me to CPL Pang. (one small step for 104, one giangantic leap for me). went on doing my cpls cadre to proove my ability, and ofcourse i passed that with flying colours

The next camp was annual camp (strensall) doing my 3 star and pass that with ease. The 3 star was being interfered with the foot and mouth, i dont recall doing a 30 mile walk, but i do recall doing something extra. Like always i went on camp with  good knowledge from a couple of lessons, but I think its all about you capabilities of learning on camp and from others. If you have a friend then you should BOTH pass as there are ways to share information without cheating.

L/Sgt Pang 2001 Aprill

Aged 15

The following year during Easter Camp I got promted to Lance Sergeant on Easter,and was ready to take on the world. Then done my 4 star at Longmoor, and got best on cadre. The four star was a week of fielldcraft run by RSM Light and then a week with the SCIC. I done well throughout both weeks, because i was appointed platoon sgt for the fieldcraft and the award for the second. I remember this year as Sgt Hathaway  rejoined us and went on annual. The camp was brill and i surely miss it.

Sgt Pang (November 2002)

Aged 15 and 9 months

Promoted to Sgt after doing a Sgts Cadre up at Sector Blackheath, and 2nd Lt Ryan promoted me at 104. After the impressive best on cadre who wouldnt. Out of the whole sgt cadre i only think 3 got immediate recommened promotion , and i was one of them, probably let myself down a bit as i didnt realy shine, but i done what was needed. I guess i had problems with coursework etc which put my mind in unrest.

Colour Sergeant Aug 2003

Aged 16

DS many camps after my SGT promotion and got my next promotion through Annual Camp back at strensall. Straight afterwards on course no 33, done my master cadet course up at frimley park. My promotion of C/Sgt was overdue but looking back now it didnt realy matter,  i DS the pre scic with SSM Futter and then cdt rsm Whitney and Johnson who was newly appointed. Seeing that it was between me and Futter for the RSM the following year.